Building Sustainable Supply Chains: Regional Learning Exchange Advances Progress to Mainstream NTDs

Delivering treatments and diagnostics for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) on time and at scale is crucial to maintain progress to end NTDs. From forecasting to inventory management, effective supply chain management is essential to ensure access to high-quality NTD medicines and other supplies reach the communities that need them. While governments have made progress in mainstreaming NTDs into their national supply chains, many gaps remain.
To facilitate action, USAID’s Act to End NTDs | East program and Uganda’s Ministry of Health hosted a regional learning exchange on Building Sustainable Supply Chains for NTDs, which took place in August 2024 in Kampala, Uganda. This convening brought together ministry of health representatives, pharmaceutical departments, national medical stores, and regulatory drug authorities from Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Mozambique, alongside representatives from USAID, USAID Uganda, and partners. The three-day event was an important step to increase collaboration and learning exchange amongst these various, multi-sectoral stakeholders in efforts strengthen their supply chains for NTDs for both prevention (e.g., mass drug administration) and case management.
During the event, participants discussed their top priorities for mainstreaming the supply chain for all NTDs, shared mechanisms for drug quantification, procurement planning, and stock management, and provided insights on the key first mile and last mile challenges they are facing. These discussions allowed governments to learn from other countries and experiences from other health sectors (including HIV, tuberculosis, family planning, and malaria), and to identify action-oriented solutions to successfully integrate all NTD medicines into their national supply chains.

Thanks to Uganda’s Ministry of Health, the event also included visits to their National Medical Stores, District Medical Stores, and a health facility. The Government of Uganda has recently seen progress in integrating NTD medicines and supplies into their national supply chain. These visits allowed a firsthand experience with the successes, challenges and areas for mainstreaming at various points in the supply chain.
Through technical support and facilitation across sectors, Act | East continues to support the governments of Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Mozambique, and others in strengthening their national supply chains to incorporate NTD medicines and other supplies. This sets the stage for more effective NTD service delivery and ensures health systems are poised to sustain these gains in the future.